Discover Grow Love

Self-Reflection & Personal Growth Platform

You Deserve Love Regardless of Your Circumstances

You Deserve Love

You Deserve Love!

This may seem like an odd title for an article, but many people believe deep down that they don’t deserve LOVE simply because of something they’re going through in their lives at any given time, as if somehow they are flawed and unworthy.  This doesn’t mean you don’t take time to recover but the situation is temporary and regardless of how something happens, life is about learning and moving forward. 

It’s heartbreaking to think that somewhere inside us we believe we are NOT LOVABLE because of circumstances that have occurred in our lives.

All Humans have a set of needs regardless of where they are in the world and regardless of culture or race. According to Tony Robbins, we have 6 needs; two of those needs are LOVE & Connection, and Significance (that we have importance). How we go about fulfilling those needs through ourselves or through others will vary greatly from person to person.

For those women who claim that they are “too busy” for a relationship, perhaps you believe that you don’t deserve a relationship unless you are Significant; or in other words, Successful.

If so many people waited until they were ‘successful’ to have a relationship, there would be a lot of lonely people out there. And guess what? There are. Everyone deserves to have love, so avoid creating and installing unnecessary walls that need a bulldozer to knock down because of your “circumstances”.

Check out this Documentary about finding lasting love

Tips for getting past your Circumstances because you Deserve Love:

  1. What EXACTLY are your circumstances? This means LOOKING ONLY AT THE FACTS. Don’t make assumptions about what you think is happening. Our perceptions of ourselves and our lives can be truly twisted and totally wrong. For example, you believe you’re financially unstable, depressed, overweight, etc. What FACTS do you have to support your belief?
  2. Why do you believe you have this problem? You will have to go deep for this one; depth is the TRUE key to self-knowledge as is HONESTY. If you know you’ve been living beyond your means and that’s why your credit card is out of control, you’ll have to accept that and then do something about trying to keep up with the Joneses.
  3. Be RECEPTIVE to finding a solution to get out of your current circumstances. We love to quote Einstein: “You cannot solve a problem at the level at which it was created“. Being RECEPTIVE to a solution may very well mean that you have to make some serious changes in your behaviors and mindset. This will put you ABOVE the level of your issues, allowing you to have access to the solution.
  4. If you are a woman who is still looking for love, maybe you’re not actively searching, yet the intention is there. Quite possibly by the time he shows up on the scene, you will have discovered the solution to your circumstances. And quite possibly you will discover that SELF-LOVE is the answer to one or more of your circumstances.
  5. If you are having difficulty finding solutions ask yourself these three questions:

  • What am I doing? (on a daily basis) This may seem like a silly question, but if you don’t become aware of exactly what you are doing daily, how do you expect to make changes?
  • What works?  This question asks you to find out what were you doing when things were going well. You also need to figure out what happened when things stopped working.
  • What doesn’t work? Figure out what you’ve already done that didn’t work and stop doing it because you’re not going to get the results you want. By continuing to do things that aren’t getting results you’re wasting time banging your head on a brick wall.

Moving past challenging circumstances takes TIME and PATIENCE and most of us have little of both. Rarely does any great, permanent change happen overnight? It requires that we remain open to creative solutions that we may not have thought of and be willing to put them into action. Make sure that these solutions are in alignment with your values and don’t compromise you in any way.

Be OPEN to solutions that are unusual. Just because someone recommends an option does not mean that it will fit your circumstances. You will KNOW the solution when it presents itself. Rise above your circumstances to find your solution. The KEY is that you really know yourself so you can choose the person that is right for you. 

You deserve love so now it’s time to for you to find the right person.