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Self-Reflection & Personal Growth Platform

The Games Changers



Do you have only short-term relationships?

You’ve tried everything to make your relationships work but it doesn’t help.


Imagine what it would be like to have a Healthy and Loving Relationship. To wake up every morning

to the Love-of-your Life and be able to touch him and smell his amazing aroma.

What is a Game Changer? And why do you need a Game Changer?  Because dating in the 21st Century is extremely challenging even though there are billions of people in the world.  Among a billion people, how do you just find one?  We have so many options but we are not necessarily clear on what we really want in a Man, in a Relationship, in our Lives. So it’s time for women to change the dating game and we need a Game Changer or two to make that happen.

During the ’60s and ’70s, women were fighting for equality, but the fight for equality had some unforeseen consequences; one of those was that women lost control of the Dating Game. Why? Because we started being the boss of men and with that came suppression of the most important POWER that women possess, Femininity. Some women basically turned into men, which then started the age of Emotional Competition: not only do we compete for jobs, we also compete for power in our relationships.

The Games Changers 1Today, women are spending years being single and even worst years without even having a date. If you are tired of being single it may be time to try something new

THE GAME CHANGERS: HOW TO DATE MEN IN THE 21ST CENTURY was created to help Women understand why they are still single and how to change it.  We don’t have to compete to get what we want, we just have to reconnect with who we are, what we want and use what is inherent within all women, our femininity.  If you desire a loving lasting relationship then this book is a good place to start.

This book is like a true girlfriend” Michelle Stackfield, Suavv Magazine

There is nothing wrong with being single, this is only a problem if you are seeking a relationship but have been unsuccessful. 21st Century is all about being busy, and because we are so busy we are out of practice, and when we do date, it’s not pretty; so we give up quickly and go back to watch TV alone on a Saturday night eating our favorite foods. But a strange thing happens after thirty if we are still single and we wonder why. Also, too much is going on around us and we have too many options which cause women to disconnect from ourselves as well as from men. Romance used to be a priority but it’s been pushed back into a closet with the other things we don’t want to deal with.

Also, too much is going on around us and we have too many options which leave us disconnected from ourselves as well as from men. Romance used to be a priority but it’s been pushed back into a closet with the other things we don’t want to deal with.

Technology has become our new bedfellow leaving us wondering how to find a man, how to date a man and how to get married to a man. Men and romance are everywhere but you have to put down the cellphone, IPAD, laptop and take a look. It’s time for a game change. What’s a game changer? If you don’t like what been happening now is the time to change it. Life is always shorter than we think so what are you waiting for.

Some single women are starving for romance but we are masking it with other things so we won’t feel the pain of loneliness.

But you have the power to take control of your love life, but the choice is only yours to make! Again, there is nothing wrong with being single but most of us don’t want to travel the journey called life alone.

Sample Game Changers:

Game Changer #6 – You DESERVE Everything!

Game Changer #7 – The ART of Listening

Game Changer #12 – Is He REALLY Mr. Right?

Different choices, different life! Make a different choice today!

Answer this Questionnaire:

Are you now or have you done the following?

___ 1. Given a man your body without truly knowing who he was as a person?
___ 2. Ever let a man you really don’t know, who has never taken you out on a date; constantly come over to your home to have sex, then leave?
___ 3. Dated a man who cannot commit to you because he’s committed to another?
___ 4. Dated a man who cannot take care of himself so you take care of him?
___ 5. Dated or continue to date a man who was/is physically, mentally and emotionally abusive to you?
___ 6. Continually dated a man you caught in several lies because you believe you really like/love him?
___ 7. Been afraid to tell a man what you are looking for in a partner/mate/lover/husband?
___ 8. Chosen a man out of desperation or fear of being alone?
___ 9. Rationalized away or made excuses for his negative behaviors instead of trusting your instincts?
___ 10. Chased men instead of allowing a man to chase or court you?
Your total: _____
If you answered “Yes” to 3 or more questions, you ARE a “Desperate Dater”.

Knowing that you are a Desperate Dater is Great! Why? You can’t change what you don’t know about, so now you can start to change your behavior.

Imagine what it would be like to have someone to come home to every night and wake to every morning. YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY! YOU ARE WORTHY OF LOVE!

I understand your pain, I’ve been there and I was so confused because what I thought about myself was that I’m a good woman but why can’t men see that about me. Can you relate?

Answer the following Questions:

    • When was your last good relationship? Do men use you then throw you away? Do you want men to treat you better? Learn how to naturally get men to treat you better, the way you deserve to be treated.
    • Do you take care of men better than you take care of yourself? Do you have feminine or masculine energy? Do you know how to flirt? Do you know how to have fun with hair, makeup, and clothing? Discover how taking better care of yourself helps you attract the man you want.
    • Are you happy with any area of your life? Do you want more from your life? If so, it’s time to improve your self-esteem and self-confidence so that can have the life you’ve been talking about.
  • Do you know what type of man is right for you? Or do you pick a man just because he gives you a little attention? Find out what if he is really Mr. Right or who Mr. Right really is.

The more you know about yourself the better you can start to change your behaviors/choices/actions in order to improve your love life.


1. You Control “YOUR” Body

2. Do U Not Him

3. The ART of Listening

4. Try FEMININITY on for Size

The Game Changers – How to Date Men

Get Your Copy for Only $3.49

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This book gives you Relationship Advice, but it also gives you Love Advice on how to Love Yourself more than any man. On this journey called life, we all need help from time-to-time to get over a rough patch because you know there is always another blue beautiful sky just around that corner. There is a better way, you just have to be open to trying it out.

Order your Kindle copy and read it today!



What Is Missing Today:

1. Standards – Women have lowered the bar so Men do not have to put in any real effort.

2. Some Women Chase Men but historically Men are Hunters and they still are.

3. Some Women want to be equal to Men in every way but we are not.

4. Some Women think if I do everything to please him he will commit to me but he doesn’t want a Mother

5. Some Women have lost our femininity which makes us Sexy to Men

6. Overall Women have lost control of Dating Game and we feel the pain

Does any of this sound familiar?

After the Feminist movement, many Women began competing with Men in ways we didn’t before, kicking off the evolution of the Modern Woman we see today.

This Woman can be characterized by a lack of patience for the chase, a diminished Essential Feminine Essence and inner personal power, leading us to be the HUNTERS and creating an environment where Men CONTROL the Dating Game. SO NOT COOL.

Although they may not realize it, many Women are truly suffering because they have unwittingly allowed Men to take over the Dating Game and because of that, those same women are getting treated and receiving less than they deserve.

In the past, specific societal norms required Men to act in a prescribed fashion when dealing with and interacting with Women. Women generally did not let Men take advantage of them due to low self-esteem or a lack of personal values.

Instead, Men were expected to be Gentlemen, which meant gently wining and dining a Woman in order to gain her affections. Getting to the point of being able to participate in more horizontal behavior, in most cases, required a specific set of rules and standards that the men had to abide by or they were left out in the cold (or shot by the Men in the Woman’s family).

Today’s Woman is in dire need of setting some 21st Century rules for dating so that we PROTECT ourselves from physical, emotional and sexual harm. This means taking back our Feminine Power in order to create those rules that are so desperately needed and the First Step to Regaining Control of the Dating Game.