Discover Grow Love

Self-Reflection & Personal Growth Platform

Self-Imposed Age Restrictions

Life choices

What have you STOPPED Yourself from doing because of AGE?

What is your Perception?

When actresses do things that media may deem as inappropriate they say things like “She’s too old to do that” or “She’s having a midlife crisis.” I say: “SO WHAT!”

The BIG question is WHY do you let what others THINK to determine how you live your life? If you are TRULY comfortable in your skin, regardless of age, you will Do what you WANT TO DO.

This life is YOUR journey and you have the RIGHT AND PERMISSION to live it YOUR WAY. The ONLY LIMITATIONS in Life are the ones we place on ourselves.

The biggest risk we take in life is BEING OURSELVES without caring what other people, including family and close friends, think about us.

When you have SELF-LOVE and healthy self-esteem, you live life for YOU and when you do that, EVERYONE around you benefits. When we listen too much to what other people tell us, we build up resentment, anger, and unhappiness.

Keeping yourself in a NEGATIVE situation is even worse. In the below video watch as this woman self-destructs. 

Listening to negative people will either keep you in misery or make you miserable.

Tips for Not Placing Age Restrictions on Yourself:


  • The media has always made us feel as if we have to live our lives according to their rules.
  • You have the RIGHT and PERMISSION to BELIEVE what YOU want to believe and LIVE the way YOU want to LIVE.

2. GO FOR IT! Remember:

  • the World is made up of people of ALL AGES so if something doesn’t appeal to one person, it will appeal to another.
  • If you want to start Zumba, Belly dancing, or Kickboxing lessons at 50, GO FOR IT!
  • If you want to have a baby in your 40s and your health is good, then do it. What are you not doing because of self-imposed age restrictions?

3. You have a CHOICE:

  • When you share your goals and dreams and you get negative feedback from friends and family, you have a CHOICE to either listen to them or plow ahead with your vision.
  • Don’t share your dreams with everyone. Some people are dream killers so protect them, they are only precious to you.
  • You truly have the RIGHT to ignore them and set out to accomplish what you want. Do they have the right to give you advice especially if their life is a mess?

4. Are you COMFORTABLE in your own skin?

  • If “NO”, why not? Once you can identify why then you can set up an action plan to help you overcome your own limitations and be FREE to live your life the way you WANT.
  • Self-Imposed Age Restrictions are a direct reflection of how others will see you, let them talk the talk while you walk the walk!

There is so much to enjoy, accomplish and experience in the World; it is an Abundant place so no one and nothing, including yourself, should limit your Journey.

MINDSET and CONFLICTING BELIEFS will narrow your vision of life and keep you not only imprisoned but prevent you from accomplishing what you BELIEVE in. I believe that the sky is the limit for you; all you have to do is believe.

“The Journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.” ~ Lao Tzu