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9 Goal Setting Strategies For Freelancers

9 Strategies for Freelancers

Freelancers have the freedom of choice. But, freelancers have to use their time wisely. Goal-setting may not be your focus and this could be a mistake.  It is not always simple to set goals and stay disciplined to achieve them but you can do it. If you want to know how to set goals and stick to them, this article is for you. 

This can be a stressful endeavor, you have to figure out how to get clients every day so make sure you are up for the challenge. 

Goal Setting Strategies For Freelancers

1. Envision your ideal life.

For some people generating ideas comes naturally but for others, they get lost in the details which could lead to procrastination.  If this is you, take a step back and envision your business life and life in general. Remember the life lessons that lead you to this path, they will give you motivation and guidance along your journey. 

What is that you see? 

Where are you?

Is that where you want to be?

Is that the business you really love?

It is always important to envision your future life before you come up with your goals otherwise you will waste time moving in the wrong direction.

 2. Create short and long-term goals

Now that you already know the direction that you are going to follow, it is time to create short-term and long-term goals. The short-term goals are the ones that you want to accomplish within the next 3, 6, and 12 months.

The long-term goals will take more than a year to achieve, for example, what do you want to accomplish within the next five years.

  • This will help you identify your priorities
  • Create a timeline that helps you stay on track
  • Write short and long-term goals in a location that is always visible

Review your long-term goals at the beginning of every year to ensure youโ€™re on the right path or to see if you need to shift direction.

3. Make goals that are specific

Write SMART goals. S is for specific, M for measurable, A for attainable, R for relevant, and T for time-bound. If you follow this strategy you will be able to set goals that you can achieve. Begin with specificity, what you are trying to achieve. For example, your goal should not be to get more clients. Instead, it should be to get more designing clients or branding clients in whatever you specialize in. 

4. Set measurable goals

Goals need to be measurable, I want to have more clients is too vague. How many clients? For instance, your goal is to acquire 5 new design clients.

5. Set achievable goals

Honestly speaking it is easy to accomplish a goal not even for experienced freelancers. Therefore, goals need to be achievable for instance if you are a new freelancer instead of saying you want to get 5 new social media clients, you can reduce the number to 2 new clients. 2 is more achievable than 5.

6. Set relevant goals.

As we already highlighted, the first thing you need to do as a freelancer is envisioned your future. Now, you need to ask yourself if your goals are relevant to the larger vision for your life. So, if you are doing branding, do you want to grow your branding services or social media management services? Once youโ€™re clear, the goal could be like acquiring two long-term branding clients.

7. Set a time-limit

Deadlines are needed to accomplish your goals, however, they should be reasonable. Donโ€™t set a deadline thatโ€™s too tight, you may not be able to accomplish it in a small time frame. Also, do not set a deadline that will allow you to be too comfortable this can cause you to procrastinate. An example of a good goal is to get 2 long-term branding clients by August 30th.

8. Believe in yourself

Now that you have set goals that are clear and actionable, you need to be confident that you will be able to achieve them. If you donโ€™t have the confidence, you will not do the work necessary to achieve them.

Build Self Confidence
9. Start working toward your goal

Start writing proposals or eye-catching samples to build your portfolio. Find ways to attract the attention of your ideal client. 

If you are having trouble setting goals get a Free Goal Setting GuideGoal Setting For Women for Women.

Sometimes, youโ€™re not sure what you really want so itโ€™s easier to settle for whatever you get but this Guide helps you with figure out who you are and what you want. Itโ€™s your life why not make it the way you want it to be. 

CLICK HERE to get your copy


Want more: Why Havenโ€™t I Reached My Goals

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