Discover Grow Love

Self-Reflection & Personal Growth Platform

Are You Too Comfortable? – Even When You’re Miserable

Are you too comforatable

Are You Too Comfortable?

If you like Being Comfortable, why?

  • Are you being honest with yourself?
  • Being too comfortable in any area of your life is called a comfort zone.

What is a comfort zone?

By definition, a Comfort Zone is “a situation or condition where a person feels secure, comfortable, or in control” (

It’s also doing the SAME things over and over to the point that you are certain of the outcome, with generally no changes and rarely any surprises.

Many of us find ourselves in this condition of living and existing, afraid to do something different because the outcome is unknown.

The comfort zone is a so comfortable yet uncomfortable place because it’s predictable and familiar and yet, you’re UNHAPPY there. 

Being stuck in the same place for years can also cause stress because you feel like time is slipping away from you. 

So the question to ask yourself is:

Why do you continue to do the same thing over and over when deep down in your heart, you know it makes you unhappy? Only you can answer that question.

Tips for getting out of Being Too Comfortable:

1. Identify the areas. First and foremost, you have to figure out where your comfort zones are (apartment/environment, job, relationship, friendships, clothes, etc.) Write down in your Journal every area of your life that you feel comfortable in but no longer happy with; be honest in your observations.

2. Review and choose. After you write everything down, review your list then pick one area you will work on changing. Start with something small before tackling the big stuff.  For instance, maybe it’s your style; then figure out what needs to change, is it your hair and or clothing? First, write a goal then come up with a plan to accomplish it in your journal. Suppose you are afraid of change to figure out why. Are they real or imagined fears? Most of our fears are false fears and represent the messages that play inside our heads.

  1.  Take action! Don’t procrastinate! The sooner the better. Put your plan into action immediately because time waits for no one; the longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to put your choice into action. 
  2. Action steps could be for example: if you want to move yet you don’t have the money available, get a roommate and save that portion that you would have normally paid. Consider renting a room instead of an apartment, further reducing what you would be paying for rent. Once the plan you’ve developed has been set in motion, start visualizing the outcome you want to achieve. Don’t listen to the negative talk that may be in your environment; you know what you want to keep your focus there.

Break up all the COMFORT ZONES you discover into little manageable pieces so you change SLOWLY over time. This way you avoid becoming overwhelmed and then quitting before you’ve made positive progress.

Ladies, a Comfort Zone is the killer of dreams because the minute you get too comfortable, you stop paying attention to what you really want. It’s easy to put it off until later, except later never comes.

If you have a job that you are comfortable with then you may not be motivated to get a promotion or another job that is more rewarding, challenging, and fulfilling. 


Sometimes, you may feel like why bother, it pays the bills why complain as long as it works for me?

In the meantime, you’re secretly getting tired of what you’re doing but you’re too comfortable to do anything about it. It’s a vicious cycle indeed.

  • How many times have you had the same job just at a different company but you still don’t like the job?
  • Maybe you missed the life lessons that if you don’t like try a new career. 

Some women think change is too hard or too much work so instead, they stay where they are even though they’re not happy.

If you are in a relationship and you’re miserable but you believe it’s too hard to change, then what you really saying is that you’re willing to settle for less than you deserve because you’ve gotten comfortable. Think about!

So Ladies, don’t be comfortable in your own misery. You have the POWER to shift and change anything in your life; however, you must have the DRIVE AND THE DESIRE to do so. 

Look around you. How are others living? Do you really want to live the same way? Always remember to be honest with yourself; that’s the only way to stop being too comfortable in your own misery.

Baby steps are truly the best way to conquer getting out of a Comfort Zone as well as seeing your accomplishments and how they have CHANGED YOUR LIFE.

If you admire people you don’t know because they’re living the life you desire, then BEGIN TODAY to design and CREATE the life you want and DESERVE. Good Luck!

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