You’re probably wondering how you got to the place in your life where you are today. If you don’t like what’s happening in your life, you must ask yourself what the heck happened.
It’s really not too difficult to figure out; just take a stroll down your memory lane, paying close attention to the choices you made that led you directly to this moment in time.
Yes, they can be very difficult to accept. Look around your environment, look at your job and look at your relationships.
If you are not living where you want to live, if you are not earning what you want to earn and if you are not in the relationship you think you should have, the reasons are Equal to the Sum of Your Choices.
Some of us stay at jobs too long, in relationships too long, friendships too long because even misery becomes comfortable.
- Why are we always waiting?
- Do we think a better moment than now will arise?
- If that is true, how will we know?
- Do you think you are afraid?
We are all responsible for our lives whether we like to admit it.
NOTE: If you Can’t Take It ANYMORE and you need help click here
It is a clear case of claiming ownership of where your life is today. Even if your family, friends, or co-workers insisted that you follow their advice, you still have to CHOOSE to follow their advice.
You can CHANGE your choices at any time. Look around at other women who are living the life that you would like. These women become your role models.
Tips on How to CHANGE the SUM of your CHOICES:
- Do some RESEARCH on women that lead the life you want or have.
- See if they have a book or website to find out more about the CHOICES they made that got them to this point in time.
- Figure out where you are now and what qualities you will need to develop and what actions you will need to take to get where you want to be.
- Don’t forget to leave room for synchronicity.
2. Find a mentor or Life Coach
- These people can assist you in making better choices.
- They are trained to see your stumbling blocks so you can overcome them.
- Do your homework before you begin paying someone to make sure they fit your needs.
- Remember, the way you see the world, your thinking, and your actions have gotten you where you are today.
- If you are unhappy now is the time to do something different which is basically making a different choice.
3. Learn to delegate or find people to help you.
- If you own a small business, learn the Art of Delegating; you’ll be amazed at how much that will help you grow your business.
- By delegating the tasks you KNOW you’re not good at, which are your weaknesses, you can then focus your attention on your strengths. We sometimes need to be reminded that we cannot do it all.
- Why Delegate? Because you want to make your life AMAZING and you need the time to work on that.
4. Currently in a relationship that reminds you of the Titanic? Become an observer rather than a participant.
- See if you get a different perspective.
- If not, then seek out someone you can trust that can give you a fair assessment of your relationship CHOICES.
- DO NOT PICK THE FRIEND that hates your man because her opinion will be skewed towards blaming him for everything.
- A relationship should help you to grow only if you can see how you contributed to it, both the good and the bad.
5. Do you have a favorite celeb or well-noted individual?
- Then you KNOW that he or she made certain CHOICES that led to where they are today; it VERY RARELY happens overnight.
- Success in any area of life takes time, commitment, and a certain amount of struggle.
- The struggle is required for growth and self-discovery; no one gets around that, not even your favorite celeb.
- Find their story and you can read it for yourself.
- The journey/struggle tests you every day to see what you are made of.
I know it seems easier to make choices impulsively or based on what your friends and family members do or say.
It’s not. Often times we don’t tell people the whole truth and then we get advice based on only part of the story.
Or maybe you think you KNOW it all to help others, even though your own life is a mess.
So hey, if you think your advice is so good, rather than give it away to others (especially if they didn’t ask for it), keep it for yourself and use it.
But if you instead choose to do nothing about changing your circumstances, then your experiences will not change. The CHOICE is yours to make.