Discover Grow Love

Self-Reflection & Personal Growth Platform

Reinvent Yourself Now is the Time – Discover Grow Love


If You Don’t Like Your Life You Have The Power To Reinvent Yourself

A crisis is a good time to reinvent yourself.

If you are settling for your current reality, why?

Do you feel powerless to change it?

If you think so and feel so then you make it so.

  1. It’s your beliefs
  2. It’s your feelings
  3. It’s your conversation
  4. It’s your habits
  5. It’s your associations

In other words, life is really what you make of it. However, we are living in a unique time in history and there are a lot of changes happening that may make you feel powerless or lost. 

I know most people think that life is hard but are unaware of how their choices are making life hard. We are programmed with certain routines/habits and can become very stubborn when others suggest that we are doing something wrong, even if we are unhappy. 


Basically, you develop a comfort zone that feels safe and you may be afraid to step out of it but if you don’t your life will not change, you’ll just keep getting older. 

The above is not new information, I’m sure you’ve heard it over and over again so answer the following questions.

  1. Have you tried something new?
  2. Did your life improve?
  3. If you haven’t tried at least one new thing, why?
  4. Are you spending money on informational products but not reading/watching them, why?
  5. What do you think will happen if you do something you’ve never done?

Below, there is a totally free and no email-required PDF but it won’t help if you don’t click the GET YOUR COPY and actually spend at least 30 minutes a day on yourself by reading the guide and answering the questions, and writing down your goals. 

It’s Your Life Why Not Make It The Way You Want It To Be!

Love, Forgiveness, Career, Happines


It’s time to build a relationship with yourself

  • Spend 10 minutes a day
  • Discover who you are
  • Reflect on your journey
  • Let the prompts guide you to your new life

This is a stressful time for all of us so now is a good time to spend some time on your future. If you don’t do it now then when? What do you have to lose?

How to Reinvent Yourself?

Reinvention starts from the inside out...

Most of us have to hit a wall before we can reinvent ourselves. Once you get sick and tired of being sick and tired, then you are ready for a change. 2020 put most of us in highly stressful situations that sent our lives into a tailspin that we may not know how to get out of. 

Reinvention is hard but without a plan and goals, it’s even more challenging. Nothing changes if you don’t have a clear goal(s) to reach toward. The free Goal Setting guide walks you through areas of your life that you may want to change.

Goals should start small so you can see results quickly which will inspire you to keep going. For example:

  • clean out your closet and give away unwanted items to a local shelter.
  • learn something new but start small by either going to sites like Udemy or Skillshare. Also, you watch Youtube videos or buy a book on the topic. 
  • if you recently lost a job that you didn’t like anyway start writing down your skills and research other ways to make money using those skills.
  • redecorate one room at a time in your home
  • plan a weekly fun night for your family

Once you get used to changing and trying new things then go big. 

  • Start an online business.
  • Write the book that’s been in your head for years.
  • Create a digital course and funnel to sell it. 
  • Get married or divorce whichever is best for you.

“You have to turn your Shoulds into Musts.”Anthony Robbins

“Diversify your Gift.” “Do not let your Background become a Limitation.”Steve Harvey

YOU CAN NOT TRANSFORM WITHOUT FIRST HAVING A BREAKDOWN watch the video for more explanation. 

Pain might hurt but it can also get you to make a U-turn and go in a different direction and that new direction can change everything.

How to Reinvent Yourself

  1. Focus on your life by paying attention to what you do each day and what you don’t do that you should be doing.
  2. Figure out what you do not like.
  3. Start with one thing you want to change and focus on that until accomplished.
  4. Have patience with yourself.
  5. Celebrate your victories that will get you motivated to keep going.
  6. Don’t let others get in your way.
  7. If the actions you’re taking are not working try new actions.
  8. Create a mantra or affirmation to keep you going during the tough times.

In Conclusion

To reinvent yourself is a choice that you can make anything during your life journey. It is also a way to keep things alive and fresh. Nothing changes until you decide to change and create the life you want. What are you waiting for?