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Self-Reflection & Personal Growth Platform

How is Your Self-Esteem?

Self esteem


Definition of Self-Esteem:

According to Wikipedia, self-esteem is a term in psychology to reflect a person’s overall evaluation or appraisal of her or his own worth. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs (for example, “I am competent”, “I am worthy”) and emotions such as triumph, despair, pride, and shame: some would distinguish how ‘the self-concept is what we think about the self; self-esteem, the positive or negative evaluation of the self, is how we feel about it” A person’s self-concept consists of the beliefs one has about oneself, one’s self-perception, or as Hamlyn (1983:241) expresses it, “the picture of oneself”.

How is your Self-Esteem?

When you are thinking about your Self-Esteem, make sure you are being honest with yourself. Like Dr. Phil always says “you can not change what you don’t acknowledge.” There may be some areas of your life where your Self-Esteem is high and other areas where your Self-Esteem is low.

Some women suffer from low self-esteem and self-worth in varying degrees. If you make decisions in your life from those places, and this shows up in a number of ways, then you could be unconsciously sabotaging your life. Many women do not realize they have low self-esteem and self-worth but if you look closely at your life, you can see if you value yourself or not.

Consider the following questions:

1. Have you worked on the same job for years without a promotion and rather than speak out, you continue to endure the situation?

2. You haven’t bought new clothes or shoes because you don’t think you can afford it or it’s a waste of money?

3. Do you primarily put food in your body that you know is not healthy?

4. Do you have sex without using protection because the man wants it that way?

5. Do you spend a large amount of your free time in front of the TV eating?

6. Do you take care of men rather than yourself?

7. Do you ignore health warnings to the point that they become problems?

8. Do you refuse to do anything that can improve your life (i.e. go to school, find a new job, move)?

9. Do you continually choose men that you allow to mistreat you? Such as you always loan them money, take them where they need to go, or talk down to you in any way?

The above questions relate to how you treat yourself which is an essential part of your self-esteem, the other part is the way you allow others to treat you.

Source The Game Changers