Discover Grow Love

Self-Reflection & Personal Growth Platform

New Year, New You



For years, you may have been trying to change your life but very little progress has been made.

You may be confused about why things are barely changing or not changing at all.

What I’ve discovered if you want to change anything in your life you have to spend some real-time with yourself.

What you need to know:

  1. Why are working where you work at? There are tons of jobs in the world why this one?
  2. Why are you struggling in your love life?
  3. How do your friends impact the way you see your life?
  4. Are you happy? If not, why?
  5. Do you know what will make you happy?
  6. Do you have dreams?
  7. Do you procrastinate? If so, why?
  8. Are you afraid of being successful because you have a poor relationship with money?
  9. Do you know what type of career you want?
  10. Do you need to forgive yourself for not being successful yet?
  11. What are your goals? Do you write goals every year?

Goals are a great way to move your life forward.

The bigger the goal the fast your life moves forward. But, you have to know where you want to go in order to get there.

If your goal is to lose 10 pounds then what happens after you lose ten pounds? How will losing the pounds change your life?

Goals have to have staying power which can roll into another goal.

For example:

What if your goal is to go from a size 9 to a 6 so you can buy a new wardrobe for a new job? That will give you the motivation not to give up. 

Smaller goals to get to the main goal:

  • Figure out what is the best exercise plan for your lifestyle and enjoyment so you won’t quit.
  • Buy a size 6 dress to motivate you
  • Implement your exercise plan and put the schedule on your phone or google calendar
  • Start researching possible new careers/job that meets your interest

Here is a GIFT to help you with your NEW YOU JOURNEY. Take some time this

Love, Forgiveness, Career, Happines

 NEW YEAR to spend a least an hour daily on yourself so that you can see the areas in your life that are causing you pain. Only YOU have the POWER to make your life better!

Get your copy today CLICK HERE