Reinvent Yourself Now is the Time – Discover Grow Love
If You Don’t Like Your Life You Have The Power To Reinvent Yourself A crisis is a good time to reinvent yourself. If you are settling for your current reality, why? Do you feel powerless to change it? If you think so and feel so then you make it so. It’s your beliefs It’s your…
10 Signs Your Daughter Has Low Self-Esteem
Having low self-esteem affects every area of your life because you’ll make decisions from a place of self-doubt which makes you feel that you are not good enough or you don’t deserve to have what you want. Unfortunately, as a culture, we don’t spend enough time on this topic instead most of us just try…
15 Things Women Do That Makes Them Lonely
Women, unknowingly do things all the time that makes them lonely, maybe you are familiar with one or more of these behaviors. I’ve definitely experienced being a few of these women in many different situations throughout my lifetime. 1. Ms. Controller – Telling him what he can and can not do. But, you probably don’t…
7 Ways To Stay Young At Any Age
Don’t Let A Number Define You Instead Stay Young At Any Age Years ago, I had a friend that said beauty fades this is true for most people. But do you want your beauty to fade at 50 or 70? The younger you start paying attention to your food, exercise, alcohol intake, not smoking, and…
How To Know When It’s Time To Ditch Your Man And Move On
Sometimes Your Self-Esteem Gets In The Way Of You Leaving A Relationship That No Longer Works So It’s Time To Move On! How to Know When It’s Time To Ditch Your Man and Move On: You are no longer sexually attracted to him. You constantly have bad fights that leave you feeling bad about…
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