Consider Your Choices When Making Decisions
Some of us are REALLY disconnected from our lives; we actually have no idea what’s going on within our world. We tend to just go from day to day without conscious purpose, just living the life we have because we believe we have no other choice. To add to the confusion, we want to add…
Love and Business
Can you successfully handle Love and Business? The challenge is that they both take time, energy, and focus. So how does one focus on two things at once? Love requires communication and quality creative moments that will last a long time in the heart and mind of your partner. Business requires strategic planning, and balancing work with…
Are You A Desperate Dater? Review The Behavior List
TOP 10 DESPERATE DATING BEHAVIORS Being “Desperate” is not something we are usually aware of because it hides in the background and can develop due to abandonment issues, anxiety, fear, and low self-esteem. Many of us don’t want to acknowledge that fear and low self-esteem are unfortunately and unconsciously driving our choices, behaviors, and actions.…
10 Qualities of a Good Man – How To Choose A Good Man
How Do You Choose A Good Man? Women, you do not have to settle for what you do not want, especially when it comes to Men. Contrary to what some women believe, Good Men do exist. It’s not to say that a Good Man doesn’t make mistakes because we all make mistakes, which is a…
Take Time For Yourself – Everyone Needs Me Time
Do You Take ME Time? Take time by putting yourself first for a change. This seems to be an ongoing issue with women, which is why I will continue to bring it up. Many women are trained or programmed to be the “strong one” in their family: maybe you are the oldest, the breadwinner, or…
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