Discover Grow Love

Self-Reflection & Personal Growth Platform

Live Your Dreams

Are you too comforatable

Live Your Dreams

You Deserve To Have Everything You Want!

Traveling down the road called life, you’ll hit a lot of bumps, detours, and roadblocks that stop you from reaching your destination. That is if you even know where you are going.  If you don’t know where you are going how will you ever get there? But what is holding you back from living your dreams?

Knowing oneself is the key to figuring out your destination. But, the road to self-discovery is a road filled with potholes that you may get stuck in if you are not careful.

If you get stuck in a pothole you may need help getting out. But, asking for or accepting help is a hard pill for some of us to swallow.

If you are not willing to take the time to figure out what you want, then you’ll keep receiving more of what you DO NOT WANT.

An example of a woman that keeps doing things she knows is not good for her.

I know you have those days where you would like to call into work and say “I QUIT.”

But, you don’t because you don’t know what to do after that job you hate is gone.

All your life, you have been doing what others told you to do instead of living for yourself but you can change that reality at any given moment, like right now.

So think about the following questions:

  • Do you like/love your job/career?
  • Do you like/love your living situation?
  • Do you like/love what you see when you look in the mirror?
  • Do you like/love the relationship you are in?

Sometimes, life is going so fast that we forget to check in with ourselves. We can become robots because all we do is stick to our daily routine only deviating from it when someone asks us to do something different or life surprises us the way it often does.

Are there warnings that surprises are coming that we don’t pay attention to such as pains in your body that we keep ignoring hoping that they will just go away?

These are the basis for which we don’t follow our dreams because they involve our self-esteem, our self-care, our self-confidence, and our self-love.


  1. You choose jobs because we think that is all we are capable of doing.
  2. You choose to live in a certain area because it’s all that we can afford and because we don’t want to try harder.
  3. You look in the mirror and don’t like what you see because maybe society says you are not beautiful or maybe you have been treated ugly so you eat or starve yourself because of it.
  4. You choose the people to have relationships with based on what we feel we deserve or because we were taught to sacrifice our lives for others so pick someone who’s got “potential” and then hope when can change him or her.

So what do you want to do now?

Continue to live the way you always have, doing what you’ve always done and feeling the same frustrations that you’ve always felt.

In life, the choice is always yours to make, but if you want to at least start looking at your life differently.

NOTE: If you are READY for a CHANGE in your life then make a Decision now. Click Here for help. What do you have to lose, it’s free