Discover Grow Love

Self-Reflection & Personal Growth Platform

Fork In the Road

Fork in the road

Have You Reached A Fork In The Road?

But You Don’t Know Which Road To Take?

How do you know if you’ve reached a Fork?

1. When you feel stuck and out of Control.

2. When can’t afford to take care of yourself

3. When you are in a bad relationship that you can’t seem to leave

4. When you have a job you wish you could quit

5. When your health is poor but you are struggling to change

People everywhere have needs, wants, desires, fears, dreams, truths, and values; all of these together create the driving force that influences our choices, whether to our benefit or for our learning.

Women are the mothers of civilization.

If you want to know the health of a particular society look to the health and welfare of its women and children. Women are the bringer of the human fruit and without us, no community, society or country could grow. The human world cannot in any way, exist without us.50 Things Every Woman In Her 50s Should Have

Check out this mother struggling with proper communication with her husband

Yet, when you look in the mirror, what do you see?

  • What do you believe about that woman who is staring back at you?
  • Do you see what people and history have told you about yourself?
  • Do you see how people look at you, especially if you are courageously expressing your individuality?
  • Do you see your flaws, your mistakes, your judgments, or poor choices?
  • Or do you see your Worth, Beauty, Uniqueness, Grace, Strength, Inner Power, Creativity, Sexiest, Greatness, and Self-love?

Where the majority of animals are driven by their internally programmed instinct, humans can decide during any point in their journey through life to make different choices, to take a different road, and end up with different outcomes.

Each road we journey takes Faith, especially if you choose the road less traveled. This road is not as well-lit and may, in fact, be very cloudy, yet if we are patient, persevere, and stay true to ourselves, we WILL see the light buried within the clouds.

If you are in a place in your life where things just seem hopeless, remember that Faith is the one thing that is required to do the things we fear; and when we are low or lack faith, we give in to fear.

Love, Forgiveness, Career, Happines

This is essentially what can create a fork in the road. Will you go left or right?

  • Why do so many people get to a turn and just stop?
  • What makes a person choose one path versus another?
  • One road is familiar but is no longer serving you; the other road is unknown but leads to the goal you are seeking.

If you continue to choose the familiar road, it will lead you back to where started but now you are older and maybe not wiser. Because the old path can teach you a few new things but a new path has a wealth of learning opportunities.

Statistics show that in 2008, according to, 37 MILLION Women lived in poverty in the United States and according to of the 1.4 billion people living in abject poverty, 70% of them are WOMEN. Most, if not all, of these mothers in the United States, are single mothers.

If you don’t want to be a Statistic, only you have the Power to Change it! LOVE, FORGIVENESS, CAREER, HAPPINESS WORKBOOK can Guide you down the right path towards the things you Want and Deserve.

Some of these women most likely had sex without protection, got pregnant, and ended up rearing their child alone and for some reason or another, the father is not involved.

Some of these women are divorced and do not receive child support from the father of their children or in their pride, refuse to accept it. Others may have ended their relationship with the child’s father, possibly creating a difficult situation for them and their child.

Still, other women are getting child support and are living beyond their means, creating their own set of problems.

With the economic environment being what it is for many women and that we are still being paid 20-30% LESS than men for the same jobs, many single women who are mothers are at a serious disadvantage.

Are their mothers out there who are doing well? ABSOLUTELY. 

Look out for yourself, be aware of following in the footsteps of others, and weigh your options carefully.

All of 70% of women in the world were born to mothers with hope in their hearts that their daughters would escape the fate they lived. Each woman carries her own dreams, joy, and possibility.

Each woman can choose differently, even though options may be extremely limited. Where there is a will, there IS a way through.

Somewhere in all our journeys, we make choices that change our path and we can all make different choices when we reach the fork in the road. All it takes is a different choice; a different choice, different life.

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