Do You Want A Second Life?
The Second Life will be much better than the First one! The Second Life is about living life your way because you don’t care what others think anymore, this is your life and you’re making it over! We live in a time where there are limitless opportunities all you have to do is open your mind…
Don’t like Something, Change It
Change is hard but sometimes it’s necessary if you want to improve your life. Most Women have something on the body, environment, and or life that would like to change. Some complain about it, others cover it up, or bury it deep inside as though it does not exist. The previous options are easier but the issue…
What IS Your Truth This New Year
It’s A New Year What Are You Going To Change? In life, we are all looking for our truths; and one truth is, life is the biggest Business of all. During this life journey, we have to solve problems, make choices, correct choices and then try again. It’s the small choices that are stacked on…
Mature Women And Love
A NUMBER SHOULD NOT DEFINE WHO YOU ARE, WHAT YOU DO, HOW YOU LIVE, OR HOW YOU LOVE In my opinion, society uses age to put people into categories, I don’t know about but I’m no category! These categories can make us feel like we shouldn’t do things at certain ages because it’s not appropriate.…
Why Change Is Not So Scary
WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU DON’T CHANGE? Why change is not so scary because it will happen whether you want it to or not. There is no way to know but if you revisit the past you probably can find other times when you didn’t want to change but something happened that forced you to.…
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