Discover Grow Love

Self-Reflection & Personal Growth Platform

Tag: attitude

  • 17 Ways To Love Your Life

    17 Ways To Love Your Life

    Love Your Life Love your life is often a thought more than a focus. Life is a precious gift, brimming with endless possibilities and opportunities for growth and happiness. Yet, it’s easy to get caught up in the challenges and responsibilities that come our way, losing sight of the beauty and magic that exists in…

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  • Don’t Let Your Age Define You

    Don’t Let Your Age Define You

    What Has Your Age Stopped You From Doing? DEFY IT!! Don’t let your age define you. Age is really just a number once you’ve passed through childhood into adulthood. We let the media, family, friends, and others tell us what is appropriate to do at a certain age. Why should you listen to others, it’s…

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  • What Do Your Clothes Say About You

    What Do Your Clothes Say About You

    Do You Think Your Clothes Tell Others How You Feel About Yourself? Unfortunately, we live in a world full of opinions but you can decide on whether others’ opinions of you matter to you. There are times when others’ opinions about your appearance matter to most of us: Job interviews When you meet someone you…

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  • 6 Reasons Why You Should Try Love Again

    6 Reasons Why You Should Try Love Again

    LIFE IS ALL ABOUT LOVE “Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. The pain of love lasts a lifetime.” — Bette Davis The pain will only last a lifetime if you let it! You have the power to process your emotions and release them. –  Dahmenah “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot…

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  • How To Get Excited About Life!

    How To Get Excited About Life!

    THIS IS YOUR LIFE SO GET EXCITED! It’s Your Life Why Not Make It The Way You Want It To Be HOW TO GET EXCITED ABOUT LIFE? First, you will help you become your BEST SELF, which will lead you into LOVING YOURSELF so you can CREATE AN AMAZING LIFE. When you GET EXCITED about…

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