Are you tired of being single? It has a lot to do with attitude/mindset toward being in a relationship. If you’ve experienced several failed relationships maybe the thought of going for another round is exhausting. Feeling this way is completely understandable because relationships take constant work and you don’t get many breaks. But there are a lot of great things in life that require hard work and we do them anyway.
Relationships will be stressful just like life so be prepared for that.

Even dating takes work, you have to get dressed up, do hair/makeup, and drive to a crowded place to meet a new man for the first time. But you probably rather just curl up with a pillow and watch Netflix. All good things take work and commitment to achieve so are you ready to go to work?
Remember your past dating lessons so you will not repeat them all relationships do not work out that is a harsh reality. But, some of them were not meant to work out, instead, it was a mirror to teach something about yourself.
12 Ways To End The Single Life
- Analyze what went wrong in the past but don’t place blame on yourself or the other person instead break down why the relationship failed. There’s nothing wrong with Being Single unless you don’t want to be. But you need to know what went wrong in the past in order to change the future.
- Change your attitude about relationships and men, if you have any negative feelings about either one or both. Negative feelings will affect your willingness to put yourself out there to meet someone new. It will also affect how you react to men in general. Men can read energy very well.
- Forgive yourself and others for past mistakes. If you hold onto the pain of the past it will follow you like a cloud that will rain all over your hopes, dreams, and relationships.
- Throw away all your past list and ideas about men, basically, start from scratch because you’ve just changed your attitude.
- Be open to trying new ways to meet men such as online dating, matchmaking, joining meet-up groups, starting a new hobby that men also like, etc.
- Be active because while you’re working out you never know who you might meet. A friend of mine met her husband at the gym. Also, feeling good about yourself is always sexy to a man.
- Check the other areas of your life, if they need a little help do that first because the happier you are with your life the better person you will attract. For example, if you hate your job now is a great time to start looking for a new one that also pays you more.
- Know and embrace who you are which can be called confidence or fearlessness. Hold your head high, and put on outfits that make you feel sexy when you show up in the world. Basically, own everything about you.
- Listen to your inner voice it exists to protect you from bad choices.
- Know your needs before your wants. We all have a physical representation of our ideal man in our minds but can he meet your needs. Needs such as affectionate, good conversationalist, adventurous, fun, good with money, and kind.
- Know your goals for your life. If you want to live debt-free, travel, and live abroad be honest about that to yourself and any man you meet to see if the two of you can get on the same page. He will or should have goals for his life as well.
- Don’t let your age create misery in your life. Sometimes, women settle for anyone because their biological clock is ticking or all their friends are married. Remember, getting married is easy but getting a divorce is hard. The flip side is don’t think you’re too mature to find someone to share your life with, the world is filled with people of different ages who don’t want to be alone. But, it goes back to your mindset and caring about what others think. Ask yourself this question, do others take care of you? Give yourself permission to be happy and don’t stand in your own way.
New Love is on the Horizon

Before joining the dating scene you should have all the tools necessary for success. As you probably are aware one of the biggest obstacles in relationships is how we related to each other. Let’s face it, we don’t all think alike, we have different experiences and backgrounds and these differences create a lot of misunderstandings. Additionally, the lack of effective communication makes things worst.
In Conclusion
I believe you have to be willing to fight for what you want in life and in love otherwise, you just surviving not living.