Can Women REALLY have Casual Sex?
Does Having Casual Sex Hurt Women? Most 21st Century Women generally fall into one of two categories: a.) They are having a lot of Sex b.) They are not having any Sex Why is there such an extreme difference between the two? I believe that women who are comfortable with Casual Sex seem to have…
Are You Too Comfortable? – Even When You’re Miserable
Are You Too Comfortable? If you like Being Comfortable, why? Are you being honest with yourself? Being too comfortable in any area of your life is called a comfort zone. What is a comfort zone? By definition, a Comfort Zone is “a situation or condition where a person feels secure, comfortable, or in control” (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/comfort+zone).…
Attitude is Everything!
HOW’S YOUR ATTITUDE? The road to attracting love can be a rocky one and it starts with you: your issues, your beliefs, your perceptions, your anger, your resentments, your STUFF. All of these things create blocks to attracting the person you deep down know you deserve. Some of you might be thinking, it’s not me…
10 Things Women want Men to Know
What else do you Want Men to Know? Some women think that once a man reaches a particular age there are things he should know about women. Unfortunately, this is not the reality because of many factors. We wish men were mind readers but their logic gets in the way and besides, we women need to…
DO YOU USE YOUR FEMININE POWER? Femininity IS that essential primary energy that separates us from men. It is also the Power of Self-Love. When a woman loves herself she exudes self-confidence, which is very sexy to men. She also chooses to take good care of herself, so her body language is different, her walk…
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