Dating Married Men -Why It Hurts Your Self-Esteem
Do you Date Married Men? If So, Why? Dating married men is hurtful to all the women involved and is not an act of loving yourself. Self-esteem is crucial to having a good life because it affects all your decisions. Traveling this journey called life alone can be very difficult so sometimes we make choices…
Why Are Relationships So Hard?
Why Are Relationships So Hard? There are several reasons relationships are hard such as different expectations, communication issues, control issues, trust issues, personality clashes, money problems, life changes, etc. Also, choosing the wrong person for you. Unfortunately, not listening to your instincts, rationalizing situations, and making excuses for behaviors will contribute to difficulties in the…
When Love is not Enough
When Love Is Not Enough Because You Are Not Happy We have all heard that old saying, “love does not conquer all” and it appears to be true when you look around at all the couples that are struggling to stay together. We were sad to hear about it, even though we don’t even know…
Love and Marriage
Why Do You Want To Get Married? Love and Marriage can be a difficult road to travel but when love lasts only days or months, was it “true love” or something else? How does one know when they are actually “In Love”? Is it because you can’t stop thinking about that person? That could also…
Getting Hurt is Something You Can Overcome
Sometimes We Unknowingly Set Ourselves Up To Get Hurt Like When We Date Unavailable Men This question may sound odd to you, however, it is something for you to think about. How often do we as women, set ourselves up to get hurt emotionally? Because some situations are avoidable but we have to take a…
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