How is Your Self-Esteem?
YOUR SELF-ESTEEM DETERMINES THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE Definition of Self-Esteem: According to Wikipedia, self-esteem is a term in psychology to reflect a person’s overall evaluation or appraisal of her or his own worth. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs (for example, “I am competent”, “I am worthy”) and emotions such as triumph, despair, pride, and shame: some…
How To Be Alone
If You Don’t Spend Time Alone, You’ll Never Know Who You Really Are Do you know How To Be Alone? This is not something most people want to think about How to Be Alone. We live in a world that is increasingly shrinking in size. Social media has taken over the web and we can…
When Love is not Enough
When Love Is Not Enough Because You Are Not Happy We have all heard that old saying, “love does not conquer all” and it appears to be true when you look around at all the couples that are struggling to stay together. We were sad to hear about it, even though we don’t even know…
You Deserve Love Regardless of Your Circumstances
You Deserve Love! This may seem like an odd title for an article, but many people believe deep down that they don’t deserve LOVE simply because of something they’re going through in their lives at any given time, as if somehow they are flawed and unworthy. This doesn’t mean you don’t take time to recover but the…
Beautiful is More than Skin Deep
No matter what Century or generation you were born into, almost everyone knows the legend of Snow White. The legend doesn’t look like the picture in this article but this is the 21st century and beauty is rarely shown as colorful. Snow White is referred to as the “fairest” of them all, and then there’s…
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