How To Build A Relationship With Yourself
We live in a society that sometimes points fingers at external forces instead of evaluating the part that everyone plays in any given situation. Self-Evaluation is necessary because you always need to be aware of the choices you’ve made and are making that are creating what you do not want in your life. Why Evaluate…
7 Ways To Heal A Broken Heart
7 WAYS TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART SO YOU CAN FIND YOUR TRUTH FIND YOUR HAPPINESS Experiencing pain is unavoidable in life, we all know this. But, also know that YOU Deserve Love so start by Loving YOURSELF and that will teach others how to Love YOU. But, your pain is in your memory, and…
Enjoy Being A Woman!
HOW TO ENJOY BEING A WOMAN In the post-feminist era, and with the onset of 21st Century hustle and bustle, some women have forgotten how fun it is to be a girl. We have also forgotten yesteryear when women didn’t leave the house unless everything was in its place. Dressing up has been kicked to…
30 Ways To Thank You
If You Don’t Forgive You And Love You Who Will 30 Ways to say Thank You For aging well For keeping yourself Energetic, Youthful, and healthy self For realizing you were making Bad Choices and working on yourself to fix that For caring about your body enough to remove processed food and sugar from your…
How to Get Over A Breakup (Updated)
How to Get Over a Breakup It can take a while but here are a few steps to get you started. Crying helps you release emotions which is healthy for the body. Talk it out! Sharing your feelings with someone you trust to protect them. Stop all communication with the person unless you have children together…
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