You Know You Are Ready To Leave!
In the beginning, this job was exciting, with new people, new experience, a new environment, and more money but now; it’s no longer new and maybe it was never a perfect fit. It could have been desperate times, a desperate measures situation, if that is the case, why are you still there?
7 Reasons Why You Need To Leave Your Job:
- You hate it but you tolerate it because you don’t feel like looking for another one or doing the work to start your own business.
- You’re too comfortable, you feel the job is okay but if you are struggling to live on the amount of money it pays you.
- Your boss is making your life difficult and there is nothing you can do about but either transfer to a new position within the company or go somewhere else.
- You are always sick or late, this is a good sign that you don’t want to go to work so you do anything to avoid being there.
- You are always complaining to others about your job.
- You are getting written up at work for your behavior.
- You feel uncomfortable because of rumors or break up with a co-worker, etc.
Being too comfortable is a recipe for settling for things you do not particularly like and will stop you from pursuing your dreams if you are not careful.
Then one day you’ll either retire and find out that the money you put away is no longer enough to live on comfortably or you’ll get laid off and wonder what is next for you.
If you know you are ready to leave your JOB, what is holding you back?
FEAR? You don’t like Change?
Or maybe you’re okay with settling…
NOTE: If Fear or Change is not your issue and you DO NOT want to Settle then CLICK HERE