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10 Things to Consider Before Getting Married

10 Things to Consider

These 10 Things Could Make You Say “Wow I Didn’t Think Of That”

Today, more people are opting out of getting married because they see too many unhappy people.

While others think their marriage will be different because they choose the “right” person.

Many also feel the pressure to get married because it’s what you do when you grow up, it’s a societal and or cultural norm.

10 Things to Consider:

  1. Why are you getting Married? Feeling the pressure because everyone else is getting married? Or are you In love?
  2. Have you worked on your issues? We all have them maybe he has some he needs to work on. If you want to control a man because you’re insecure, your marriage may not last long.
  3. Is your man a saver or a spender? Are you a saver or a spender? Finances send people to divorce court every day.
  4. Is your man a clean freak or messy? This will matter to you a lot if you have to do all the housework.
  5. Do you like his friends? If not, you better get over it because if you try to get rid of his friends there will be problems.
  6. Do you two argue a lot now? If so, that will increase after you’ve tied the knot.
  7. Are there things you don’t like about him? Think you are going to change him, think again. If he changes for you don’t get mad if he doesn’t want to touch you as much as he used to.
  8. Don’t like his parents? Well, you better get over that, they will be involved whether you like it or not, especially if you have kids.
  9. Want kids? One of the biggest complaints men have about their wives is that they stop being a woman once they have a baby. Can you be both, woman and mother?
  10. Do you have dreams? If you do, don’t forget about them because you may have some huge regrets at the end of it all.

No one thinks they are going to end up in divorce court but it happens all the time but it doesn’t have to.

  • If you fight fair and be respectful
  • if you both have passion and compassion for each other.
  • If you both don’t have to always be right.
  • If you both know how to have fun.
  • If you both don’t have anger issues because of past situations.
  • If you both don’t make poor financial decisions.
  • If you both can compromise.
  • If you both don’t have any extreme addictions.
  • If you both don’t cheat on one another.
  • If you both don’t lie to yourselves or each other.

Dr. Pat Allen is a Marriage and Family Therapist, also the author of numerous books, including her longtime best-seller Getting to “I do”.  Dr. Pat Allen is a sought-after speaker and has been featured in numerous publications, including Cosmopolitan. Pat has been a frequent guest on many TV shows, including four appearances on Oprah, where Oprah said that many of her friends “…won’t make a move without Dr. Pat Allen’s guidance,” and also called Pat a “Therapist, Comic Mother Superior.”

Watch her in the Documentary the below