Discover Grow Love

Self-Reflection & Personal Growth Platform

10 Lies You Tell Yourself

10 lies you tell yourself

The One Person You Need To Be Honest With Is You

I know what you are thinking, I don’t lie to myself.

Or you’re thinking about whether this is true for you or not

I’m almost certain that one of these ten lies you have told yourself at some point in your life

10 Lies You Tell Yourself:

  1. I know the pictures on my online dating profile are old but once he gets to know me it won’t matter.
  2. I know I should start going to the gym but I don’t have the time
  3. I know the food I’m eating is bad for me but I should have some pleasure in life
  4. I know he’s married but it’s just a little fling it won’t hurt anyone
  5. I know I need to leave this job but I’ve been here too long to leave now
  6. I know this man likes me even though he won’t commit to me
  7. I’m too old to go after my dreams that’s for young people
  8. I just need enough money to pay my bills
  9. I know I can change him into the man I want him to be
  10. It will be better next year
  • The problem with not representing your true self when it comes to online dating is that men feel deceived and are not happy about it, and they probably will make up an excuse to leave quickly when you meet them.
  • If you want to be stronger and healthier the gym is a good place to start but there are also other online options that can help you achieve your goals once you figure out what that is.
  • There are a lot of pleasurable things in life that won’t give you diabetes, high blood pressure, or make you less than happy with your body. So try or find other things that you can do instead of treating the only body you have poorly.
  • Do unto others as you want them to do unto you. If you don’t want your husband cheating on you then don’t cheat with someone’s husband. The Law of Karma is always working.
  • If you are unhappy you should change it, there is no reason for you to suffer, you deserve better treatment from yourself. If you have unfulfilled dreams now is the time to go after them, just take one step, then another, and before you know your life is the way you want it to be.
  • If you not getting what you want maybe it’s time to have a conversation because remember if he won’t give you what you want somebody will.
  • Don’t play the age game with yourself, no matter how old you are, you have to eat somehow so why not let your dreams feed you?
  • Life gives you what you ask of it, so if all you want is to keep scraping by that is what will happen. Words have more power than you think so be careful how you speak about money especially if you want more.
  • Know what kinds of things you need from a man first then find a man willing to fulfill your needs.  Life is too short to change a man because if you succeed and he leaves for another woman, she’s the one that will benefit from your hard work.
  • Next year will not be better if you don’t change the way you do things this year.