Fork In the Road
Have You Reached A Fork In The Road? But You Don’t Know Which Road To Take? How do you know if you’ve reached a Fork? 1. When you feel stuck and out of Control. 2. When can’t afford to take care of yourself 3. When you are in a bad relationship that you can’t seem…
Live Your Dreams
Live Your Dreams You Deserve To Have Everything You Want! Traveling down the road called life, you’ll hit a lot of bumps, detours, and roadblocks that stop you from reaching your destination. That is if you even know where you are going. If you don’t know where you are going how will you ever get…
Life is Equal to the Sum of YOUR Choices
WHY IS MY LIFE LIKE THIS? You’re probably wondering how you got to the place in your life where you are today. If you don’t like what’s happening in your life, you must ask yourself what the heck happened. It’s really not too difficult to figure out; just take a stroll down your memory lane,…
Beautiful is More than Skin Deep
No matter what Century or generation you were born into, almost everyone knows the legend of Snow White. The legend doesn’t look like the picture in this article but this is the 21st century and beauty is rarely shown as colorful. Snow White is referred to as the “fairest” of them all, and then there’s…
Feeling Sexy all the Time Improves Self-Confidence
A Woman Should Feel Sexy all the Time You maybe think it’s selfish to spend all that time on myself so I can feel sexy. What is sexy? In my opinion, sexy is energy and a way of being when you know you are a woman that is deserving of whatever you want. How do…
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