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Mature Woman and Dating – 11 Ways To Find Love

Mature Woman

Mature Woman and Dating

A mature woman in most cases will have challenges when it comes to finding companionship, especially if hasn’t worked on herself. However, a mature woman can reshape her views and actions to get what she wants. It will not be easy and will take time and focus, but there are men who want a mature woman.

Mature Woman

11  ways a Mature Woman may find love:

  1. Look in the mirror

    • The first person you should love is yourself.
    • If you do not love yourself, how can you teach someone to love you?
    • This may not be the answer you are looking for but the happier you are the more positive energy is put out into your world.
  2. Take time for self-reflection and identify what you’re looking for in a partner.

    • Review your past relationship to see your pattern of behavior so you will not select the same person again.
    • Also, take some responsibility for why your previous relationships failed so that you do not repeat the same behaviors.
    • This is about learning what worked and what didn’t. The goal is to have a healthy, loving, and happy relationship but that starts with you.
  3. Get involved in activities and hobbies that interest you

    • This will allow you to meet new people
    • Try Bingo or go to charity events
    • Look for conferences in your field to attend.
  4. Join a dating site or app that caters to your age range and preferences.

    • There are fifty and older dating apps/sites
      • Silver Singles
      • Match
      • Our Time
    • There are also matchmaking sites
      • Tawkify
      • Master Matchmakers
  5. Attend social events, such as parties or gatherings with friends

    • Being social is a great way of meeting someone new. It is hard to flirt at any age, especially for a mature woman.
    • Smiling at someone is one of the best ways to flirt.
    • If caught in a comfort zone mindset it will be hard to find companionship.
  6. Ask friends or family members to set you up with someone

    • It’s worth a try, they might surprise you.
    • Don’t be embarrassed single people do this all the time.
    • This is a journey so you have to stretch your comfort zone a little.
  7. Volunteer for causes that are important to you.

    • This gives you the opportunity to meet a person that shares your passion.
    • Volunteering is a great way to build a friendship that might lead to something more.
  8. Take a class or attend a workshop

    • Learning something new is a good way to meet people in general.
    • This will get you out of the house while doing a fun activity.
    • Spread your wings and see how far you can fly.
  9. Consider working with a professional matchmaker or dating coach.

    • If you’ve tried everything and nothing is working then maybe a dating coach or a matchmaker is your next step.
    • Or you might want to skip the dating apps/sites and go right here where it’s more personalized to your wants and needs.
    • As a mature woman dealing with dating sites can be frustrating.
  10. Be open to meeting people in everyday situations.

    • Meet people at the gym, grocery store, or coffee shop.
    • This is hard to do if you are not good at starting conversations.
  11. Be patient and keep a positive attitude

    • Remember finding love will take time and effort.
    • If you have some fears around this area seek professional help to learn more about what is blocking you.


As a mature woman getting back into the dating world is not the same as when you were younger. Also, you are not the same either so don’t be discouraged, and realized that it may take a while to meet the right person.