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Free Women Empowerment PDF – Claim Your Power Today!

Women Empowerment PDF

Get Your FREE Women Empowerment PDF Workbook

Why is Women’s Empowerment Important?

Women Empowerment pdf is a free guide that helps you navigate your changing life and understand who you were and who you want to be. There is also a companion/guided journal that will keep you stay focus as you take this new journey.

In today’s world, it’s easy to lose yourself in the noise of a busy city, personal lifestyle, life conflicts, technology at your fingertips, and day-to-day struggles. Then all of a sudden you look in the mirror and the passage of time is prevalent on your face. This is when all the negative self-talk starts and your desire for a better happier life starts to slowly disappear. Dream-driven words are now replaced by words such as:

  1. I’m too old
  2. It’s too much work
  3. I can’t do that anymore
  4. It’s too late

As you know words change everything, the words you use have an impact not only on the way you see the world, and the way you see others but also on how you see yourself. If you want a better life only you have the power to change your job, relationship, body, and attitude. Quotes can help you get a new perspective.

Instead, Build a Career you love:

  • Do you like your job?
  • What happens if you lose your job?
  • What if you have to work a minimum-wage job that doesn’t pay your bills? 
  • Do you feel powerless to change your life?
  • Do have the same routine but you are getting tired of it but that is what everyone in your life is doing?
  • Are you afraid of being like your mother? If so, now is a good time to Decide to Change. Discover and understand your Power and how to use it to get the life you’ve been dreaming of.

Imagine what your life could be like

Free Women Empowerment PDF - Claim Your Power Today! 1

You are probably frustrated and stressed because

  • Can’t pay your bills
  • Lonely for years
  • Or too many bad relationships
  • Getting older
  • Don’t know how to change your habits so you feel trapped

Most people follow the crowd, but following the crowd keeps you apart from the majority of people who are unhappy, hate their jobs, don’t make enough money, and always complaining about this or that. I know you’ve heard the saying “Misery loves company.”

  • But why is misery necessary?
  • Do you think life has to be miserable?
  • Are you learning from past lessons/mistakes or are you repeating them?

Plenty of people love their lives so why not be a part of that group? If nobody knows anyone in that group, you can be the example that helps everyone think and act differently.  Life is all about choices, now is the time to start making different ones.

Unless you are comfortable with being miserable?


This is the main reason most women live mediocre/miserable lives. If you don’t feel good about yourself because of your weight, your height, your looks, your abilities, orHow To Release Past Pain because your parents abandoned you or talked down to you then you do not think you are worthy. Worthy of what? Worthy of love, happiness, success, or anything your heart desires. Self-esteem is the foundation of the Women Empowerment PDF Workbook.

I struggled with love and career because of my low self-esteem for most of my life because I was abandoned by my father as a child. Other men in my life treated me like my life didn’t matter except for whatever I was doing for them. So because of this reality, I had difficult romantic relationships with men.

Over time I realize that my low self-esteem was the problem and how it was stopping me from getting what I kept saying I wanted. After working at several jobs that paid me enough to get by so I was not happy with my lifestyle.  It took baby steps to get where I am today, and there are still times when I have setbacks that force me to check in with my self-esteem.

If you need help with self-esteem or self-love there are people who can help like therapists.

Life is all about perception, the way the world sees you is how they respond to you and it’s time for them to start responding to you the way you want them to.

 Life is about experiencing, try to have as many good ones as possible.

Women Empowerment Workbook Preview

 Love, Forgiveness, Happiness, Career - 12 Steps Guide

These 12 Steps were developed from my years of having a poor mindset that made me a victim to myself and created low self-esteem which caused me to allow poor treatment from others. I choose men who used me instead of cherished me because they could not see my soul.

Also, years of working in the Social Services field with women who were leading much harder lives than mine. I co-authored this Workbook to help women find themselves so that they could look at their lives differently by spending some quality time with themselves. Thirty minutes a day is a small amount of time to take care of you because when you are happy, your family is also happy and the opposite is also true.


The first real step to overcoming a hard life is to realize you need help. So many of us deal with pain in silence not realizing that we are not alone


 -STEP 5: Cleanse Yourself of Negativity

Today, we live in a world where we are bombarded with negative messages about things we cannot control.  We then have negative discussions about those things or what’s wrong with our lives with coworkers, family, friends, or whoever will listen.

All this negativity is just attracting more negative energy, which is blocking you from getting what you say you want. This step is designed to remove some of that negative energy so you can replace it with positive energy.

In this step, you’ll learn

  • How to deal with negative emotions
  • The power of words
  • How negativity is affecting your life
  • Why it’s important to forgive

This may be a challenging step because some of you don’t realize that being so negative can be caused by past pains, and forgiveness may not be something you want to do. But remember forgiveness is not for the other person, it’s for you.

Step 9: Realize the Power of Your Femininity

Women today have forgotten what it means to be a woman and how much power we possess. Why is that? Because of our determination to become equal to men, we lost a little of ourselves alone way. Regaining our femininity helps us with our self-esteem, our self-worth, and having a healthy loving relationship.

In this step you will learn:

  • If you have the Superwoman Syndrome
  • If you have lost your femininity
  • How to regain your femininity
  • How to love being a woman 

Step 11: Embrace Your Place of Power

When we are not living the life we want it is because we are unsure of ourselves and we care what other people think. If you realize and Embrace your Power, you will be amazed by what you can accomplish.

In this Step, you will learn…

  • What Essential Feminine Essence is
  • How loving yourself is the Base of Your Power
  • The Power of “No”
  • How to get out of your Comfort Zone

The Workbook will set you on a path of self-discovery and once you know about who you are and what you want, doors will start to open if you are ready to walk through them. THIS IS YOUR LIFE, why not make it AMAZING!

If you’re ready to stop being scared to do the things you want to do.

If you’re ready to start Creating an Amazing life this year.

And if you’re ready to do something different so that this year won’t be like last year, then pay attention because I’m ready to help you get what you want.

You don’t need to FOLLOW the crowd…
You don’t need a LOT of education to have a great career…
You don’t need to continue to do what is NOT working for you.

Get your  Free Women Empowerment PDF Today!