Feeling Sexy all the Time Improves Self-Confidence
A Woman Should Feel Sexy all the Time You maybe think it’s selfish to spend all that time on myself so I can feel sexy. What is sexy? In my opinion, sexy is energy and a way of being when you know you are a woman that is deserving of whatever you want. How do…
Getting Hurt is Something You Can Overcome
Sometimes We Unknowingly Set Ourselves Up To Get Hurt Like When We Date Unavailable Men This question may sound odd to you, however, it is something for you to think about. How often do we as women, set ourselves up to get hurt emotionally? Because some situations are avoidable but we have to take a…
10 Things Women want Men to Know
What else do you Want Men to Know? Some women think that once a man reaches a particular age there are things he should know about women. Unfortunately, this is not the reality because of many factors. We wish men were mind readers but their logic gets in the way and besides, we women need to…
10 Ways to Look Younger
Who Doesn’t Want to Look Younger? When you REACH a CERTAIN age are you supposed to look a certain way? Of course not, so why do people think when you get “Old” this happens and that happens. We have been taught to believe it, therefore, it happens just like everyone said it would but it…
How to Lose a Friend
How Do Your ‘Friends’ Make You Feel? “How to lose a friend” may seem like a strange title for a blog post. Why would anyone want to lose a friend, especially if you believe that person honors and respects you? Sometimes, we have to know when it’s time to let someone go. Sometimes losing a friend…
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