Discover Grow Love

Self-Reflection & Personal Growth Platform

8 Short Shorts To Watch On YouTube

Short Shorts

Short Shorts

Short shorts to watch on a variety of topics. These short films will make you think about your life.

Breaking up is hard to do but it should not be done over a text message that is just too cold.

Questions to answer in the comments on YouTube

  1. How would you feel if someone broke up with you on a text message?
  2. Would you try to find them and confront them about it?
  3. Has this ever happened to you?
  4. Do you have a recent breakup story?

People leaving mean and nasty comments is unnecessary.

Questions to answer in the YouTube comments section.

  1. Do you leave mean messages on other people’s videos?
  2. Do people leave mean comments on your videos?
  3. How do mean comments affect you?

Do you like playing free mobile games? Check out this game trailer below. This is an RPG escape game.  It has 4 mini-games that challenge your ability to escape.

To play on android click here

To play on IOS click here

Have you ever been cheated on? Check out this therapy session dealing with a cheating man.

Watch the full movie here

Answer the questions in the video’s YouTube comments section:

  1. Have you ever been cheated on?
  2. Would you go to therapy to deal with cheating issues?
  3. Have you ever cheated?
  4. Did cheating affect your self-esteem?

As fairytales influenced what you think love should be like? Check out the video below to understand more about your type.

Watch the full documentary here

Answer the questions in the Youtube comment section

  1. Do you agree with what the therapist said in this video?
  2. Are you single and looking for love?
  3. Do you struggle with creating a lasting relationship?

Do you like listening to narrated stories? Check out the video below

Watch 2nd episode below.

Watch 3rd episode here

Another comedy short about Netflix and dating.

Answer the questions in the YouTube video comments section.

  1. Do you think dating is too much work?
  2. Would prefer to watch Netflix than to look for love?

I hoped you enjoyed the content of these short shorts.