Discover Grow Love

Self-Reflection & Personal Growth Platform

Category: Love Your Life

  • 7 Signs That You Need New Friends

    7 Signs That You Need New Friends

    Just Because You’ve Known Them Forever Doesn’t Mean They Are Real Friends Have 3 Words for you: Perception, Perception, Perception They may have a certain Perception about you that you are unaware of; which may differ from the way you see yourself. Your “friends” will treat based on the way they see you. Ways your…

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  • How To Get Excited About Life!

    How To Get Excited About Life!

    THIS IS YOUR LIFE SO GET EXCITED! It’s Your Life Why Not Make It The Way You Want It To Be HOW TO GET EXCITED ABOUT LIFE? First, you will help you become your BEST SELF, which will lead you into LOVING YOURSELF so you can CREATE AN AMAZING LIFE. When you GET EXCITED about…

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  • He’s a Mighty Good Man!

    He’s a Mighty Good Man!

    Who Doesn’t Want A Mighty Good Man Okay, Ladies, think about this: which celebrity do you think is a Mighty Good Man? Is it Will Smith, Lamman Rucker, Brad Pitt, Morris Chestnut, Adam Levine, Enrique Iglesias, Laz Alonzo, Michael Ealy, or someone else? The list could be endless. Some of the aforementioned Men are not…

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  • How to ATTRACT the Man you Want

    How to ATTRACT the Man you Want

    You Can Have Everything You Want How to Attract the Man you want becomes more difficult as Women age. Why? We have less access to Men because we spend too much time with other women and spend less time hanging out in places where men converge. Most women want men to be bold enough, brazen…

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  • I Hate My Job!

    I Hate My Job!

    I Hate My Job! Because… Most may never actually admit it, but so many women HATE their jobs. If you are counting the days until the weekend, that is a problem. Actually, a better word is DISSATISFIED with their jobs. Are you one of those Women? Have you spent years working for a company with…

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