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Letting Go Of Friends -Why It Might Be Time

Letting Go Of Friends

Letting Go Of Friends

Letting go of friends is never easy. But, might be necessary if the relationship is not mutually beneficial and if someone is getting hurt.

Letting go of friends can be a difficult decision, but sometimes it is necessary for our own well-being. Here are some reasons why it may be time to let go of certain friendships:

  1. Growing Apart: As we grow and change, it is natural for friendships to evolve as well. If you feel like you and your friend are growing apart and no longer share common interests or values, it may be time to let go.
  2. Toxic Behavior: If your friend’s behavior is consistently negative, hurtful, or destructive, it can be harmful to your own well-being to continue the friendship.
  3. Lack of Reciprocity: If the friendship feels one-sided, with you putting in more effort and not receiving the same level of support or attention in return, it may be time to re-evaluate the relationship.
  4. Different Life Paths: If you and your friend are heading in different directions in life, it can be difficult to maintain a strong friendship. For example, if one friend is prioritizing career advancement and the other is focused on starting a family, their priorities and schedules may not align.
  5. Unresolved Conflicts: If there are unresolved conflicts or disagreements between you and your friend, it can be difficult to move forward and maintain a healthy friendship.
Letting Go OF Friends - Why It Might Be Time

Recognizing When It Time To Let Go

Friendship changes when one person in the relationship starts to change and their life takes them in a new direction. Or during a time of crisis, your friend(s) were not supportive and may have even made you feel bad about yourself.

Reasons to Let Go of a Friend

  • If your self-esteem is suffering because of a friendship it is time to let go.
  • If your friend’s behavior put your life or freedom at risk it is time to let go.
  • If your friend betrays you it is time to forgive but let go.
  • If your friend has stopped contacting you and doesn’t answer your calls it is time to let go.
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Coping With Loss

Coping with the loss of a friendship can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to navigate through the process:

  1. Allow yourself to grieve: Just like any other loss, it’s important to acknowledge and allow yourself to experience the emotions that come with the end of a friendship. Give yourself permission to feel sadness, disappointment, or anger. It’s normal to grieve the loss of a meaningful connection.
  2. Reflect on the friendship: Take time to reflect on the friendship and what it meant to you. Acknowledge the positive aspects of the friendship, the memories shared, and the lessons learned. This can help you find closure and appreciate the value the friendship brought into your life.
  3. Reach out for support: Lean on your support system during this time. Talk to trusted friends or family members about your feelings. They can provide comfort, offer different perspectives, and remind you of your worth.
  4. Practice self-care: Engage in activities that promote self-care and well-being. Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental health. Spend time replenishing yourself through exercises such as walking, hiking, and yoga.
  5. Accept the change: Understand that people change and relationships evolve. Accepting the end of a friendship can be difficult, but it allows you to move forward and open yourself up to new connections and opportunities. Embrace the idea that some friendships have seasons, and the end of one can create space for new and fulfilling relationships in your life.
  6. Focus on personal growth: Use the experience as an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. Consider the lessons learned from the friendship and how they can shape your future relationships. Explore aspects of yourself that you may have neglected or discover new interests and passions.
  7. Give yourself time: Healing from the loss of a friendship takes time. Be patient with yourself and allow the healing process to unfold naturally. Be open to new friendships but don’t rush into replacing the void immediately. Give yourself the space to heal, grow, and build meaningful connections at your own pace.

Remember, letting go of a friendship doesn’t diminish the value it had in your life. Cherish the memories, be grateful for the experiences, and embrace the potential for new connections that lie ahead.

Dealing with Guilt

If the friendship ended without any real reason identified, you may assume it was your fault which can cause sadness, frustration, and guilt. But, sometimes people outgrow one another and that is not a reflection on you, instead, that person’s life took a different turn. Or maybe the relationship was only meant for a season. Feel your emotions and release any guilt and remember you cannot control other people only yourself.

Re-evaluating Friendships

Years ago, a friend asked me to help her move from one city to another. She had surgery a few weeks prior, so she couldn’t lift anything. During the move, I did the majority of the work but was treated like an unpaid stranger. She introduced me as her best friend except when she spoke to the real one on the phone. By the way, she was not helping us move.

Once we arrived in San Diego on Friday, it’s my hometown, so I wanted to spend time with my family. We were scheduled to leave for Los Angeles on Monday which is her hometown and my city of residence. Instead, her best friend who she had just moved in with, was headed there on Saturday, so she asked if I wanted to go with them. At that point, I was livid and said no. I took the train home.

Later, I sent her an email letting her know how I felt and that this friendship was over. She apologized but it was too late.

Would you have ended this friendship?

I felt that she treated me like was beneath her, only dealing with me when it suited her and that is not a real friend.

Does any of this sound familiar? Do you have a friend who you don’t like the way he or she treats you? If so, why do you allow it to keep happening? Letting go of friends is sometimes necessary for your self-esteem and personal growth.


The act of forgiveness is for your inner peace and positive energy. Know your worth so you’re aware when it’s time to walk away, but do not hold grudges in your heart. Always wish others well on their journey. You can not control other people but you can always forgive them and move on.

In Conclusion

Remember, letting go of friends does not mean that their friendship was not valuable or that they are bad people. It simply means that the friendship is no longer serving your best interests or contributing positively to your life. It can be a difficult decision, but ultimately it is important to prioritize your own well-being and surround yourself with positive, supportive people.